The Aloe Vera plant has become a popular beauty ingredient due to its soothing and moisturizing properties. However, there are many suggestions that Aloe Vera can also be beneficial to your health, contributing to healthier lifestyle and wellbeing when consumed in the form of juice or a drink. This plant drink is prepared by crushing or blending the whole Aloe leaf until it becomes homogeneous. Sometimes it may be mixed with water or another liquid.
Even though most current research evidence regarding the healthy properties of Aloe Vera is considered to be scarce and weak [1], this article will look at the most popular Aloe Vera health claims. You will find out what the evidences show, and if the health benefits of pure Aloe Vera juice are as amazing as the majority of people say.
Let’s go!
What nutrients are in Aloe Vera juice?
According to the Indian Journal of Dermatology, the Aloe Vera plant contains various vitamins (A, C, E, B12, folic acid), minerals (calcium, chromium, copper, selenium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium and zinc), enzymes, and fatty acids (cholesterol, campesterol, β-sisosterol and lupeol). [2] This blend of nutrients can play a role in supporting your immune system, as well as promote healthy cells functions, and protect the body from inflammation and damage.
However, if your aloe vera drink is with low concentration of the plant (and more water), the concentration of those healthy micronutrients and compounds will also be scarce.
Aloe Vera gel contains another substance that is worth to look into: latex. It is extracted directly from the leaf and has yellowy color. Latex is present in Aloe Vera juice that has not been decolorized, and is associated with various adverse effects, including [3]:
- Cramping and diarrhea
- Depletion of potassium
- Cancer development
- Reduced absorption of medicines and supplements
- Hypoglycemia (too low blood sugar levels)
To stay safe you should always buy Aloe Vera juice that complies with the FDA guidelines, and don’t risk making it at home.
Does Aloe Vera relieve constipation?
The latex in Aloe Vera juice can have strong laxative effect and may introduce water to the intestines, improving the bowel movement. That being said, a study evidenced that aloe vera juice may play a role in relieving chronic and acute constipation, when used in combination with other herbs (phsyllium and celandine) [4].
However, don’t forget about its side effects!
Can Aloe Vera lower blood sugar?
According to a 2011 study in the Journal of Food Science and Technology, Aloe Vera juice may play a role in lowering and balancing cholesterol, blood pressure, as well as blood sugar in diabetic patients who are not dependent on insulin. [5]
Another 2015 study in the Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic disorders shows that the consumption of Aloe Vera juice for 4 weeks may balance the blood glucose levels of pre-diabetic patients. The result of the study also showed that this plant juice improved the cholesterol and triglyceride profile of the examined patients within eight weeks. [6]
That being said, The Global Diabetes Community claims that Aloe Vera can be used as part of a more complex diabetes treatment and prevention. [7]
Can Aloe Vera boost your immune system?
Due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, Aloe Vera juice is thought to support immune system and protect the body from external harms.
A recent (2019) study on mice suggested that aloe vera contains “mannose”, which can stimulate immune response. [8]
Another study on the immune-stimulating properties of Aloe Vera was conducted on rabbits. The results showed that that the plant can stimulate both cellular and humoral (extracellular) immune responses. [9]
However, lack of human trials is still needed to evidence the effect of pure Aloe Vera on human body.
Does Aloe Vera help kidneys?
Even though various animal studies have suggested that the consumption of Aloe Vera can support kidney function by balancing blood pressure, the US National Kidney Foundation warns that Aloe Vera latex may negatively impact kidney health and may stimulate the progression of CKD (chronic kidney disease). [10]
Can Aloe Vera juice help gastritis?
According to a two separate review papers, various studies have suggested that Aloe Vera juice may support digestion process and balance the production of stomach acid. [11] [12]
This way, the plant may reduce the risk of development of ulcers, ulcerative colitis, and inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.
Keep in mind…
Store-bought Aloe Vera juices may contain added sugars (depending on the brand). This can automatically increase the caloric load of the drink as well as its glycemic index.
So if you decide to include Aloe Vera juice in your diet, pay attention to the label: the product should be FDA approved, and should not contain artificial additives. This way you will be able to experience the effects of pure Aloe Vera juice on your body.